
Why invest in a Concept Design?

Within the residential housing industry it is essential that the clients brief is discussed and reviewed as the first step (mentioned in our Blog ”Starting the Journey) this ensures that the client is on the right path.




What is a Concept Design?

Concept designs are usually undertaken in the early stages of the design process in which function and form are articulated.

Rossmark turns your family’s housing needs and budget into visual text. We rationalise the brief, shape solutions, generate alternative ideas without neglecting cost or authority requirements and general site limitations.  In certain situations, we even think about possible future renovations and extensions, whilst meeting the immediate needs now – Masterplanning.


Our Process

Each design is developed within our office by the Rossmark team. It starts after we complete our field work and obtain relevant planning information. The clutch pencil is sharpened, tracing paper deployed and the sketch develops into a digital drawing from which we accurately estimate costs. Typically, you can expect 3-5 iterations along with face-to-face meetings discussing the changes and improvements from your feedback. We make sure your input is well heard, we issue the concept plans and estimate summary for your review and comment and amendments are then made in response.


The value we bring to our clients during the concept design process:

  • We are an Accredited building designer with an in-house design team.
  • We have Town planning experience and we understand council/authority requirements and the approval gateways available specific to the project
  • We are a licensed building company that has had many years of experience in construction – therefore we can estimate costs accurately during the design phase
  • We partner with our clients in creating solutions that keep within the brief, resulting that drawing revisions don’t attract more cost.



Our principles and priorities:

Family, friend or foe we will tell you the same thing. We have the building experience and the client interaction history needed to know realistic costs, and therefore we have the ability to approach your project with a non-emotional point of view. We offer you advice for your benefit and we guide you where it will save you costs. We propose Masterplanning, instead of trying to push your finances to your absolute limit.


Not commission based:

Undertaking a thorough concept design process enables the client to consider different alternatives and understand the associated cost. Considering the amount of time one spends within this space, it is almost mandatory that several versions are reviewed and tested. The one-design-fits all and “it’s also free” doesn’t work for everyone.

One drawing cannot determine your lifestyle, regardless of your needs. What about accessibility? What about growing children, elderly parent, home office? Can you customise it to suit your budget?

A fixed design fee is not to our benefit. We value these concept designs because they are tailored specifically to your current home, your current and future needs.


In Summary

 Whether you choose to build with Rossmark or not, you, the client will be well informed. You will understand the real costs without having to go through a costly development application process and then find a builder to quote. You may find at the end of the concept journey that moving is better or you may just love the solution, either way, you will be able to make an informed, rational and non-emotional decision for your family.